Contact Us

Hey, let's talk

Drop us a line, and our rep will contact you within 30 minutes to arrange an initial discussion.

San Francisco

179  Clinton Street, Little Rock
San Francisco, SF 32671


1428 Callison Lane Building
Virginia, VA 22902


Frequently Asked Questions

Our team competes in multiple games, including but not limited to League of Legends

To join our team, we typically hold tryouts or recruit players based on their skill level and performance.

We have various sponsorship opportunities available for talented and dedicated players.

We often organize meet-and-greet events and fan engagements where fans can meet the players, get autographs, and take photos.

Our team follows a rigorous training schedule to maintain a high level of performance.

Player contracts and salaries are handled on an individual basis and are negotiated between the organization and the player.

Yes, we have a dedicated coaching and support staff who work closely with the players.

We regularly update our website and social media platforms with news, tournament schedules

We often organize meet-and-greet events and fan engagements where fans can meet the players, get autographs, and take photos.

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