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It’s where creators share new visions for creative work with the communities that will come together to fund them.

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ISOLA I Year-Round Waterproof Adventure Jacket
A contemporary dance festival in Minneapolis!
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A project you should know.

EM3 ether: 9mm super-thin VR glasses for gaming and movies

3DOF Supported | 5K Resolution Combined | 65g Ultralight | 9mm Super-Thin Lenses | 2D/3D/VR Immersive Viewing
$ 0

Pledged of US$ 25,000 goal



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List of recommended fundraising projects.

Not only nine - a cat narrative RPG

Film - by Larryzaur

$26,592 Pledged | 132% Funded | 29 Days to go

Moors & McCumber - wired to the moon

Music - by James Moors

$10,654 Pledged | 90% Funded | 9 Days to go

Jennings java coffee roasters

Food - by Quincy LK

$32,537 Pledged | 102% Funded | 12 Days to go

New music from hannah glavor!

Music - by The Ascendants

$325,592 Pledged | 124% Funded | 18 Days to go

Reflectile - a precision puzzle game

Games - by Joe Aquiare

$45,937 Pledged | 145% Funded | 30 Days to go

Vertical city : a solution for sustainable living

Design by Raymond King

$24,973 Pledged | 120% Funded | 15 Days to go


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Global reach

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